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Impeachment August

Trump is an out-of-control, dangerous man, and he’s using the power of the White House to harm us all. He is stirring up racial divisions and violence with his racist attacks and committing human rights atrocities against immigrant families, all while enriching himself, his family, and his donors. And he is obstructing every congressional effort to get to the truth—about his obstruction of justice, his family separation policies, his attempts to insert racist questions into the census, the secrets hidden in his taxes, and so much more. Failure to act will erode our Constitution and democracy, proving that the president is above the law and can act with impunity. 

For all these reasons, Democrats need to stand up to stop Trump’s abuses. Congress will be home on recess until September 9th. Meet with your Congressperson and demand they open a formal impeachment inquiry. 

Confront gun violence and white nationalism

Trump’s hateful agenda, which is responsible for so many deaths and injuries, is unacceptable, and MoveOn will continue to fight against Trump’s bigotry, take on racism, reject white nationalism, and stand up to the epidemic of gun violence in our country through large scale actions, pressure on elected officials, and by running the largest election campaign in our history to kick racists out of office. Add your name to say “enough is enough.”

Win Elections and Endorse Progressive Candidates

As we march to the ballot box in 2020, MoveOn is endorsing candidates to end the GOP control of the Senate and take back the White House. And we’re endorsing 100 dynamic, diverse, progressive candidates for state and local office.

Oppose Trump’s March to War

Donald Trump is assembling a war Cabinet to rush his march toward war. And while we can’t stop warmonger John Bolton, who, Trump appointed to be his national security adviser, we worked hard to defeat the nomination of Mike Pompeo as secretary of state. Pompeo is a pro-torture, anti-diplomacy, anti-Muslim, anti-choice, anti-LGBT, climate-change denier who is unfit to serve. MoveOn members made 15,000 calls to the Senate to reject Pompeo, and we ran videos, ads, and digital billboards that helped sway the vast majority of Democrats to oppose him. While the effort fell short of persuading Republicans, it has been a critical fight to oppose Trump’s rush to war—and to lay the groundwork against further military escalation Trump and Pompeo have planned.

Act in solidarity with immigrant communities and against white supremacist attacks

Immigration should be a safe and empowering choice. Everyone should have the freedom to move and freedom to stay based on what is best for them to thrive. But from the cruelest policies of the Trump administration to recent attacks in El Paso, TX, and across Mississippi, immigrant and Latino communities have been relentlessly assaulted. Donald Trump has escalated his all-out attack on immigrants in America—increasing brutal deportations, separating families, detaining sick and pregnant immigrants, and announcing the end to the successful DACA program that enabled young immigrants to live, work, and support their communities without fear of deportation. Working tirelessly alongside immigrant-led allied organizations, MoveOn members are actively demanding that Congress hold the federal agencies committing human rights abuses accountable. Tell Congress to stop enabling Trump’s mass deportation machine and to demand cuts in the budgets for detention beds, ICE and CBP agents, and border militarization.  

Resist the Muslim Ban.

When Trump announced his first Muslim Ban, MoveOn members joined others in their communities protesting at airports around the country in a massive, vibrant, powerful display of resistance to the Trump administration’s racist vision for America—and we’ve rejected each version of his ban ever since. When the Supreme Court announces its ruling on the constitutionality of the Muslim Ban, MoveOn will join allies to declare “no ban” and to stand up to Trump’s Islamophobic agenda.

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By clicking below, you will be directed to a website operated by MoveOn Education Fund, an independent 501(c)(3) entity.