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VICTORY: Tribune Papers Spared From Koch Empire


When the Tribune Company went up for sale, it was widely reported that the Koch brothers were interested in acquiring its newspapers—including the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune. The billionaire Kochs and their tea party politics presented a clear threat to independent journalism, so several organizations, including Forecast the Facts, Courage Campaign, Working Families started MoveOn Petitions asking Tribune Company CEO Peter Liguori not to sell to the Koch brothers.

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MoveOn members and allies urge congress to introduce the Senate bill and file a discharge petition for comprehensive immigration reform

Comprehensive immigration reform is currently stalled in Congress, MoveOn members join America’s Voice, 18MillionRising, We Belong Together, CREDO Action, and MomsRising.org in urging congress to introduce the  bipartisan Senate bill and push for a discharge petition to pass comprehensive immigration reform this fall, after the August recess.   Dear members of Congress, On behalf of […]

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