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VICTORY: Governor Corbett Releases Education Dollars To Philadelphia Schools


In the midst of budget cuts to education in Philadelphia, schools were forced to lay off or cut hours for staff like teachers and school nurses. In October 2013, a student at one Philadelphia school suffered from an asthma attack that led to her death. If there had been a school nurse on campus that day, she might still be alive. This tragedy motivated Philadelphia parent Jesse Bacon to start a MoveOn Petition to Governor Tom Corbett, asking him to stop withholding $45 million of funding from Philadelphia schools.

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A 2014 Electoral Map That Has the GOP Seeing Blue


New PPP surveys in GOP-held House districts, commissioned by MoveOn.org and conducted in the wake of the government shutdown, show Republicans are in serious danger in 29 of the 36 districts polled–making it clear that Republicans could easily lose control of the House if the next election were held today. Democrats must net 17 seats to reclaim the House. The surveys challenges the conventional wisdom that gerrymandering has put the House out of reach for Democrats and indicates the shutdown has significant electoral implications.

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12 More Polls Show House Republicans in Trouble

A week after releasing survey results from 24 GOP-held House districts, Public Policy Polling has conducted surveys in an additional 12 such districts for MoveOn.org Political Action. Together, these survey results indicate that Republicans are in danger of losing control of the House of Representatives in 2014. A memo from Jim Williams of Public Policy […]

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