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VICTORY: Ricardo Ramos’ Deportation Stopped

Cleveland resident Ricardo Ramos, the father of three U.S. citizen children and an Ohioan of 16 years, was set to be deported after being caught driving without a license. Ramos is the sole breadwinner in his family, working two jobs to provide for his children, and deportation would tear the family apart. That’s why Matt Hildreth of the organization America’s Voice started a MoveOn Petition asking Immigration and Customs Enforcement to grant prosecutorial discretion and let Ramos stay with his family.

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Everything you need to know about McCutcheon in 90 seconds

McCutcheon vs. FEC is the latest campaign finance case to find itself before the Roberts’ Supreme Court and could be 2014’s Citizens United. You can read more about the case here at SCOTUSblog, but this 90-second video from The Fix has the background you need: RSVP here for MoveOn’s Grassroots Democracy Virtual Teach-In co-hosted by […]

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VICTORY: Voting Rights in Massachusetts

S. 1975, a new election modernization bill in Massachusetts, would allow early voting, online voter registration, and preregistration, as well as other updates to make voting more fair. These reforms are vital for making elections accessible to as many Bay Staters as possible. That’s why Sara Brady of the organization MassVOTE started several MoveOn Petitions to the legislature, encouraging them to pass the bill.

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Thanks for RSVPing!

Thanks for RSVPing to join our Grassroots Democracy virtual teach-in. You’ll get an email the day of the teach-in reminding you to log on to MoveOn.org and join the conversation. In the meantime, be sure you’ve signed Senator Al Franken’s petition on your right to put Citizens United in the dumpster of bad ideas. P.S. […]

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VICTORY: Gov. Cuomo Signs Anti-Puppy-Mill Bill

In June of 2013, the New York Legislature passed a bill that would allow local governments to enact stronger regulations for pet dealers, effectively cracking down on “puppy mills,” breeding facilities that prize profits over animal welfare. Allie Feldman of the organization NYCLASS started a MoveOn Petition asking Governor Andrew Cuomo to sign the bill into law.

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