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VICTORY: JPMorgan Chase Settlement Money Saved From Wall Street

In 2013, JPMorgan Chase agreed to a $13 billion settlement as restitution for their role in creating the Great Recession—and $613 million of the settlement was allocated for New York state to relieve distressed homeowners. When Governor Cuomo announced his intentions to use that money to pay for a major corporate tax cut instead, the Campaign For A Fair Settlement and the Home Defenders League started MoveOn Petitions to demand that he give the money to New Yorkers, not Wall Street.

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The Sequel to Citizens United

The U.S. Supreme Court could issue its ruling in the case some are calling the next Citizens United any day. On October 8, 2013 the court heard arguments for McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission.

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VICTORY: Tennessee Kills “Turn Away Gays” Bill

S.B. 2566, introduced in the Tennessee General Assembly, would have allowed bakeries, florists, and other wedding professionals to turn away LGBT customers on religious grounds. That’s why Shelbyville, Tennessee, MoveOn member Gerald Norman started a MoveOn Petition to state legislators, asking them to drop their sponsorship of the bill.

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VICTORY: Virginia Anti-Science Bill Stopped in Tracks

VA science

When Virginia State Delegate Richard Bell introduced a bill that would allow teachers to deny climate change in classrooms, Aimee Tavares of the organization Climate Parents started a MoveOn Petition to the Virginia House, demanding that they stand up for science and reject the bill.

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