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A year that changed history forever

George Floyd Memorial

Today, we honor the life of George Floyd and the countless people harmed or killed by police. One year ago today, Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd on a Minneapolis street in broad daylight. The video footage of this murder shocked and galvanized the world. But for so many Black communities, this murder was […]

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Recovery Recess: Beautiful Actions Coast to Coast

recovery recess event

President Biden’s newly announced American Jobs Plan would make transformative investments in millions of jobs, trains and bridges, replacing lead pipes, expanding high speed broadband, ensuring workers have the right to join a union, and strengthening the care economy. This plan is a critical piece of Biden’s agenda, which is so desperately needed as our […]

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A New Supporter Briefing—See Our Impact

Thank you so much for supporting MoveOn!

Contributors like you power our massive and vibrant network. You’re a Partner for Change who helped fuel our work in 2020 to protect the right to vote, to advance racial justice, protect our democracy, and so much more. And our work does not stop. Over these next four years, we will continue to organize millions of people to push our country and democracy toward a future of justice, equality, sustainability, and love.

Read on to see how your contributions help make progress every day.

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NEW ADS: MoveOn Members Demand Sinema Fight for Arizonans

Print & Digital Ads Call on Sinema to Support Survival Checks, Expanded Unemployment Insurance, and Increasing the Minimum Wage    Today, MoveOn is releasing new print and digital ads in the Arizona Daily Star and on Tuscon.com demanding that Senator Krysten Sinema (D-AZ) stand up for Arizonans in the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. With a state jobless rate of 7.5%, […]

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VICTORY: Marjorie Taylor Greene removed from committees

This is huge: The House of Representatives has removed extremist Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene from her committee assignments! MoveOn members have been signing petitions, calling their members of Congress, rallying, and more to demand Rep. Greene be held accountable for her vile views of school shootings being fake and promoting violence against her colleagues. But […]

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MoveOn: “Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Not an Outlier in the Republican Party. She Is a Perfect Encapsulation of Today’s Republican Party.”

Statement from Rahna Epting, Executive Director of MoveOn: “Here is the plain truth: Marjorie Taylor Greene is not an outlier in the Republican Party. She is a perfect encapsulation of today’s Republican Party. “Majorie Taylor Greene has called for violence against members of Congress, called school shootings a false flag, and has pledged allegiance to […]

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NEW AD CAMPAIGN: MoveOn Targets Members of the GOP Treason Caucus for Their Role in Deadly Insurrection

Those who aided and abetted a deadly insurrection must be held accountable.  Washington, D.C.– Today, MoveOn Civic Action is launching a new national and state-specific “Treason Caucus” accountability campaign to hold politicians accountable for aiding and abetting a deadly insurrection against the United States government. On January 6, the American people watched as a mob […]

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