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New ‘We Want a Refund’ Campaign Holds Senate Republicans Accountable for Wasting Taxpayer Funding on Supreme Court Obstruction

Senate Republicans’ refusal to give nominee Merrick Garland fair hearings and an up-or-down vote will have cost American taxpayers nearly $87 million by Tax Day. A major digital campaign launched today by MoveOn.org Civic Action, Organizing for Action (OFA), and Americans United for Change (AUFC), along with other leading national grassroots organizations, shows that Senate […]

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MoveOn Praises Sen. Leahy’s Position on Superdelegates, Calls on Media Outlets to Remove Superdelegates from Delegate Counts

Over the weekend, Senator Patrick Leahy clarified his position on superdelegates and the race to be the Democratic nominee for President, saying that while he personally supports Secretary Clinton, his delegate vote will go to the candidate with the most pledged delegates at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia this summer. Ilya Sheyman, executive director […]

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Sen. Warren to MoveOn Members: ‘We Really Need You’ In Fight for Supreme Court Nominee

“You don’t get what you don’t fight for. And I’m ready to fight.” That was Senator Elizabeth Warren‘s message to thousands of MoveOn members and allies gathered for a national Supreme Court conference call on April 4.  Warren spoke to thousands of MoveOn members and our partners who represented 16 national progressive organizations. The senator noted that the […]

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MoveOn.org’s Statement on Bernie Sanders’ Win in Wisconsin

Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, had the following response to Bernie Sanders’ win in the Wisconsin Democratic Primary this evening: “Tonight was a huge night for Bernie Sanders. He now has the momentum in this race and has won another state that will be critical to Democrats in November.  This victory, building […]

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Washington MoveOn Members Vote to Endorse Pramila Jayapal for U.S. House

69% of MoveOn Members in Washington’s 7th District Vote to Endorse Pramila Jayapal for Congress WASHINGTON — Washington members of MoveOn.org Political Action have voted to endorse progressive champion Pramila Jayapal in the U.S. House race in the state’s 7th District with 69% of votes cast in favor of backing Jayapal. Fellow Democratic candidates Joe McDermott and Brady Walkinshaw received 20% […]

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It’s halftime and we’re just getting started

Just over two months ago, MoveOn members voted overwhelmingly to endorse Bernie Sanders for President. Since then this revolutionary campaign has accomplished more than anyone predicted—as The New York Times just reported yesterday, Bernie has a real pathway to victory, a sign of the momentum that has catapulted a long-shot candidate into a serious contender. After this […]

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#SCOTUS National Day of Action on March 21st

  On Monday, March 21, the first workday home for senators during their March recess, voters across the country will participate in a national day of action calling on Senate Republicans to “Do Your Job” and uphold their constitutional obligation to give fair consideration to to U.S. Supreme Court nominee Judge Merrick Garland. The day […]

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These are the Signs “Good Morning America” Doesn’t Want You to See

On Wednesday March 16, I faced physical aggression from one of Donald Trump’s biggest supporters: the media. The day didn’t start that way though. When Donald Trump first announced his candidacy for president in all of its gaudy, escalator-filled glory, it was clear that his campaign would center around one core theme: hate. As the […]

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