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How to Beat MAGA Republicans and Help Democrats Win Elections in 2024

We’ve done it before. We can do it again. For 25 years, MoveOn members have been on the front lines of elections, mobilizing communities and providing voters with the resources they need to make their voices heard at the ballot box.      This year, MoveOn is unveiling a $32 million election program to reelect President Biden, […]

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The Research Behind MoveOn’s Member-Driven Election Strategy

The stakes of the 2024 election are sky-high: Our democracy is under attack, our rights have been rolled back by a right-wing-packed Supreme Court, and MAGA Republicans continue to wreak havoc in state governments. Our goal in 2024 is to reelect President Biden and Vice President Harris, protect the Senate, and secure a Democratic majority […]

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Here’s What Your Signatures Made Possible in 2023

Closing out the year amid so much heartbreak and global uncertainty is challenging. But what keeps us hopeful that a different world is not only possible but actively unfolding, is the actions that millions of MoveOn members like you take every day. In the face of oppressive forces working to isolate, disconnect, and immobilize us […]

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What We Accomplished Together in 2023

A large blue bus with the phrase, "Read Banned Books." Credit: MoveOn

What a year! Thanks to MoveOn members like you, we boldly celebrated 25 years of progressive change—despite the challenges of this political environment shaped by dark money, disinformation, and right-wing capture of our government. While we’re strategizing and building for the intense election year ahead of us, we look back on the work we’ve done […]

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MoveOn’s 15-ft. Santos “Full of Lies” Balloon Blows Up in Press

By now, we’ve all heard the news that George Santos was finally expelled from Congress on Friday. This is a huge victory for New York 3rd District residents, who are finally free from a lying lawmaker who cheated the system to pad his own pockets, and for everyone who values integrity and democracy in this […]

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Tips for Approaching the True History of Thanksgiving With Your Family, Friends, and Kids

Parent and child talk on their living room couch.

As Thanksgiving approaches, you may start hearing questions and commentary about the history of the holiday—especially from kids—that aren’t rooted in the facts. The often-told story of Thanksgiving is a myth of harmony and an erasure of the genocide that colonists committed against the Wampanoag Tribe in the 1600s. Thanksgiving became a celebrated holiday during […]

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The Rich History of Latinx and Hispanic Heritage Month

Latinx & Hispanic Heritage Month (LHHM) is from September 15 to October 15. Dedicated to celebrating the culture and history of Latinx people in the United States, Congress implemented LHHM in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week. The week was later expanded to a month in 1988. Latinx & Hispanic Heritage Month offers us the opportunity […]

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