By MoveOn Staff. Monday, February 21 2011
Is Facebook setting a new standard of inclusion for social media? The social media giant recently added “Domestic Partnership” and “Civil Union” to their relationship options, making them one LGBT-friendly social networking site.
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LGBTQ+ Rights
By MoveOn Staff. Monday, February 21 2011
In how many ways does the GOP attack women? Countless. Here’s a list of 10 to get you started.
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By MoveOn Staff. Monday, February 21 2011
The revolution will be posted to Vimeo. A moving look at the first few days of protesting in Madison, WI, set to Arcade Fire’s “Rebellion (Lies).” Bet you can’t watch without tearing up.
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Economic Justice
By MoveOn Staff. Sunday, February 20 2011
What if treating chronic problem patients better was the key to changing the entire health care system?
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Health Care