Guess Which 10 Companies Aren’t Paying Their Share

Come April 15, everybody ponies up their fair share, right? Not so much. Thanks to corporate tax cuts and loopholes, these big companies will be rollin’ in the green instead of paying Uncle Sam.
Come April 15, everybody ponies up their fair share, right? Not so much. Thanks to corporate tax cuts and loopholes, these big companies will be rollin’ in the green instead of paying Uncle Sam.
State Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-WI) reveals why Governor Walker is trying to destroy Wisconsin’s unions:
This past February, Lady Gaga told Billboard that if Target didn’t make amends for donating money to anti-gay political candidates, she would not release the Target exclusive edition of “Born This Way.” But Target didn’t comply. And on Wednesday, Lady Gaga officially walked: “Part of my deal with Target is that they have to start affiliating […]
On The Rachel Maddow Show last night, Moore said, “They honestly think they can get away with it… There is no way they can get away with this.”
Planned Parenthood keeps landing smack-dab in the middle of the Republicans’ war on women, ostensibly for its abortion practice. But that seems strange, considering this chart.
Wael Ghonim, the Google engineer who played a role in sparking the Egyptian Revolution and was detained for 12 days by Mubarak’s security forces, takes us inside the amazing popular uprising that deposed a 30-year dictator.
Republican Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) joins the assortment of conservatives begging for Koch Bros money.
At Sarah Palin Addicts Anonymous, the first step is admitting we have a problem.
Intrepid reporter Jon Oliver travels to the far-flung land of northern Illinois—approximately 13 miles from the Wisconsin border and right off I-90—to track down the Wisconsin Democratic 14.
Rachel Maddow connects forced prostitution, gambling lobbyists, and Americans for Prosperity to the random “I Stand with Scott Walker” people that are getting outnumbered 100-to-1 in Madison, WI.