How Much Do You Love Rachel Maddow? Not As Much As This Guy

We were hoping someone would write a nice Rachel Maddow love song one of these days—but we never in our wildest dreams imagined it’d be anything like this. Check it out:
We were hoping someone would write a nice Rachel Maddow love song one of these days—but we never in our wildest dreams imagined it’d be anything like this. Check it out:
The guy who asked teacher Taylor Mali, “What do you make?” at a dinner party certainly never thought he’d get this answer.
According to the ladies of Second City Chicago, people who oppose basic funding for women’s health care will be left with one option.
How can Republicans bring the Black community’s abortion rates into their pro-life arguments? By equating abortion with slavery, of course.
In just two minutes, Lee Camp brilliantly invokes iPad apps, office supplies, ravioli, donuts, the Koch brothers, Wisconsin, and the ultimate showdown between good and evil.
Our protagonist puts the debate on global warming to the ultimate test: the whiteboard-chart-and-squeaky-marker test. The result is an argument that even the most hardened skeptic and the most panicked activist can agree on.
At a recent House Appropriations Committee down in Kansas, Rep. Virgil Peck (R) thinks he has discovered a solution to the “illegal immigrant problem.”
One of the best explanations of why unions and democracy are intertwined comes from none other than Ronald Reagan (circa 1980).
In Iowa, thinking about an abortion, and confiding about it to hospital staff, may unexpectedly land you in jail.
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Planned Parenthood keeps landing smack-dab in the middle of the Republicans’ war on women, ostensibly for its abortion practice. But that seems strange, considering this chart.