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Wait — Taxes are Optional?

Millions of Americans are filing their taxes, but not these 10 famous tax-dodging companies. Through offshore accounts and tax loopholes, they’re freeloading while we foot the bill. Read the list of shame.

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Indiana GOP Rep Thinks Women Will Fake Rape Or Incest To Get An Abortion

On March 29, Indiana Representative Eric Turner (R) introduced HB 1210, a bill that would make all abortions illegal after 20 weeks. Dismayed, Rep. Gail Riecken (D) offered an amendment that would exempt “women who became pregnant due to rape or incest for whom pregnancy threatens their life or could cause serious and irreversible physical harm” from being forced to carry to term. That’s when Rep. Turner claimed that women would use Riecken’s proposed amendment as a “giant loophole.”

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