The Republicans’ Ingenious Plan To Once Again Cut Taxes For The Rich

Republicans want to reduce the top tax rates for millionaires and billionaires from 35% to 25%. But where are they going to get the trillions of dollars they need to do that?
Republicans want to reduce the top tax rates for millionaires and billionaires from 35% to 25%. But where are they going to get the trillions of dollars they need to do that?
It’s over. It’s really over. Glenn, your wild-chalkboard-scribbling, conspiracy-theory-mining, apocalyptic-vision-seeking crock of a television show is ending. And this is your goodbye video?!
When corporations have more protections than women, there’s only one thing to do: Go into business for yourself. Incorporate your uterus today.
Yep, that’s how much House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan wants to slash over the next 10 years from Medicaid and mandatory programs serving low-income people.
Over 30,000 people are participating in a rolling fast to protest the immoral budget cuts Republicans are pushing in Washington. Check out this video MoveOn Political Action made about it with help from Moby, and spread the word.
Something doesn’t sound right.
In an amazing show of force for the progressive movement, Wisconsin State Supreme Court candidate JoAnne Kloppenburg just declared victory over the Scott Walker-aligned incumbent David Prosser.
That red line? That’s us, now.
Hey, Republicans, the federally funded programs necessary for helping middle class and poor people get by aren’t the cause of the growing deficit.
Originally submitted by volunteer editor Brandon W. Found on