Ryan Plan Would Double Health Care Spending Of Typical Senior
See what grandparents everywhere have in store for them if Paul Ryan’s plan isn’t stopped…
See what grandparents everywhere have in store for them if Paul Ryan’s plan isn’t stopped…
See why this group of citizens is mad as hell—and what they’re doing about it.
The Bechdel Test, that is. It’s one of those things that, once you know it, there’s no turning back. Watch:
Just gorgeous.
Minnesota’s constitution has a strange amendment slated for the November 2012 ballot that defines marriage as a “union between one man and one woman.” Whether you agree or disagree, we suggest you watch this video first:
The World Health Organization now classifies cell phones as carcinogens, like car exhaust and DDT.
If Batgirl does the same bat job as Robin, why doesn’t she make the same bat salary?
There’s no way to know the answer to that question unless this executive order is signed into law. Robert Reich explains:
Hey Paul, did I mention that I worship you? Oooooh, yeah. Yours, Dick.