Best Vintage Anti-War Song Ever

More than 40 years later, Edwin Starr’s classic still feels relevant.
More than 40 years later, Edwin Starr’s classic still feels relevant.
Is there a connection between what’s been happening with our world’s weather and what we do as humans?
Another example of where the GOP’s priorities lie.
Let’s see…
A poor attention span and lack of reading comprehension skills—just what we want in a president.
Ready. Set. Rock.
In the 1967 U.S. Supreme Court case ‘Loving v. Virginia,’ an interracial couple won the right to marry. How does that affect us today?
Ohio Republicans are trying to make it nearly impossible to vote. Watch Rachel Maddow break it down.
Everyone receives a different gift from the government. Here’s yours.
…that equality for some is not equality for all.