If You Use The Internet, You Need To Watch This
It’s called the Protect IP Bill, and it’s headed for a computer near you.
It’s called the Protect IP Bill, and it’s headed for a computer near you.
What is it?
The unemployment rate (dark purple line) would be a lot lower if John Boehner and the tea party hadn’t forced cuts that led to pink slips for all those federal, state, and municipal employees (pink line). Take a look:
Watch one Wisconsinite sum it up.
Fact: Nearly 9,000 daily temperature records were broken or tied during the month of July. Just take a look.
In 2008, toward the end of the Bush presidency, climate activist Tim DeChristopher tried to derail a Bureau of Land Management auction of public land that had been organized as a last-minute gift to the oil and gas industry. Last month, he was sentenced to two years in prison. Watch his rallying cry from outside the courtroom.
You know, just not an anti-Semitic, allegedly wife-abusing one.
Nine kids explain it all. Watch:
You won’t believe this.
Check it out: