This Is How Fox News Would Fix The Jobs Problem
How very helpful—you know, if you don’t care about a living wage or work safety standards or those pesky things.
How very helpful—you know, if you don’t care about a living wage or work safety standards or those pesky things.
Delaware Governor Jack Markell was the deciding vote on the Delaware River Basin Commission on proposed weak fracking regulations that would have threatened the drinking water of more than 15 million people. Unsure how the governor would vote on this terrible proposal, progressive Delaware state legislator John Kowalko started a MoveOn Petition urging the governor to vote no.
TARP? That was nothing . . .
What’s the reason for opposing this again?
An extremely well-made clip, featuring economists who get it – and have signed a statement in solidarity.
Lois catches on fast!
He was fighting for the 99% in 1910 in front of 30,000 folks in Kansas.
What’s the reason for opposing this again?
Wow. Just . . .wow.
Will enough folks hear about this so we can stave off attacks in other states?