Why I’d Rather Have A Kardashian Tax Rate Than A Kardashian Body
It’s not Kim Kardashian’s fault the tax system’s messed up (and who knows, maybe she’d even be happy to pay more), but check this out:
It’s not Kim Kardashian’s fault the tax system’s messed up (and who knows, maybe she’d even be happy to pay more), but check this out:
A thought-provoking question from Good.is in a mesmerizing clip.
What if we could vote for something other than Democrats or Republicans?
We can’t decide – funny, scary, or something else entirely?
Have YOU come out yet?
No matter how you do the math, everyone loses.
How did our country get here?
Sometimes you just have to say goodbye to toxic relationships. Watch:
His words were true then and they are true again today. Watch:
Did they really mistake Greece for Russia?