Going Viral Now: The Food Stamp President?

Mr. Gingrich, prepare to meet someone who knows what he’s talking about.
Mr. Gingrich, prepare to meet someone who knows what he’s talking about.
Beautifully filmed, with a powerful narration by Jeremy Irons, but what it’s about is not so pretty.
You decide.
And 58% of them might really surprise you.
And she gets a generous J.C. Penney employee discount, too.
How direct action can keep banks from selling the homes of the 99%.
South Dakota Republicans tried to strip firefighters, teachers, police officers, and other public workers of their collective bargaining rights, following the lead of right-wing governors in other states, like Scott Walker. But Mark Anderson of the South Dakota State Federation of Labor started a MoveOn Petition urging state legislators to vote no on the bill.
Can you think of any more?
We highly doubt it. Mitt Romney, on the other hand . . .