HILARIOUS: ‘F _ _ k This Sh _ t’

Katie Goodman understands that overwhelming feeling when you turn on the news. So she decided to write a song about it.
Katie Goodman understands that overwhelming feeling when you turn on the news. So she decided to write a song about it.
Goodbye, common sense.
Vea este video de 2 minutos que le explicará por qué nadie debe de permission en que se debilite el Seguro Social en este momento:
It happens today at 12:30 p.m. EST at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. That’s right — we’re taking the message right to the White House with our signed petition delivery event. When we all worked hard to re-elect President Obama, it wasn’t because we wanted our elderly to take the hit with Social Security and Medicare cuts.
Chances are you could have walked past someone living this nightmare this morning.
MoveOn members have launched a photo petition to remind President Obama that his supporters don’t support cutting Social Security benefits.
Give him 2 minutes to explain why nobody should be agreeing to weaken Social Security right now. Then get in touch with Rep. Michael Michaud. WATCH:
Funding for public education in Tennessee was threatened when Governor Bill Haslam backed a bill to use taxpayers’ dollars to issue vouchers to for-profit private schools. So Jane Curtis and the Rutherford County Retired Teachers Association started a MoveOn Petition to the Tennessee General Assembly and Gov. Haslam, demanding that public funds be directed toward public education.
This is powerful and changing our media landscape.