So What’s In The Senate’s New Immigration Bill Anyway?

Have you seen it?
Have you seen it?
Rhode Island’s marriage equality bill had already passed in the state House when Lisa Roseman Beade started a MoveOn Petition to state senators asking for their support.
Maryland had a 375-year history of capital punishment when Governor Martin O’Malley brought repeal legislation forward to the Maryland Legislature. So Brian Evans of Amnesty International started a MoveOn Petition asking the Maryland Legislature to pass the bill abolishing the death penalty.
People might feel differently about some of these points, but the bottom line remains something we can unite around.
We’re still waiting for an acceptable answer, Senator Ayotte.
Did you know this?
Montana legislators wanted to block federal family planning money from coming into the state via the Title X federal grant program, which would cut access to critical medical services for low-income Montanans. So Stephanie McDowells started a MoveOn Petition asking members of the Montana Legislature to accept the funding.
The data speaks for itself.
Do you recognize any of these?
Education cuts threatened funding for the Arkansas Governor’s Distinguished Scholars Program, a full scholarship for top high school students who attend in-state colleges. So Jackson Fitzgibbon started a MoveOn Petition to Governor Mike Beebe.