In Her Own Words: Military Sexual Assault Survivor Speaks Out And Creates Change

If you ever doubt your voice could make a difference remember this name: Trina McDonald.
If you ever doubt your voice could make a difference remember this name: Trina McDonald.
Military sexual assault victims need your voice.
“We are calling on Congress to take immediate action to halt this surveillance and provide a full public accounting of the NSA’s and the FBI’s data collection programs.” Want to learn more? Click HERE.
The world must stand together.
Climate change deniers were fighting against the implementation of Next Generation Science Standards, which would include facts about climate change in Kansas and Kentucky public school curriculums. So parents, Sheila Anderson and Dennis Newell created MoveOn Petitions asking the Board of Education in each state to pass the new standards.
This is unacceptable.
As the old saying goes, you are what you eat.
The Republicans might want to jot this down.
Would you speak out?
Eleven-year-old Marcel Neergaard, who had come out as gay, and was severely bullied in school, created a MoveOn Petition with his family, asking StudentsFirst to withdraw its award to Rep. Ragan.