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Author: admin

Trump Indictment Shows He Violated the Law and Endangered Our National Security and Must Be Prevented From Holding Office Again

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to the unsealing of a federal indictment of Donald Trump earlier today, MoveOn Political Action Executive Director Rahna Epting issued the following statement: “Donald Trump has regularly flouted and violated the law for much of his time as a political candidate and elected official. The criminal evidence unsealed in the […]

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5 Pieces of Merch You Can Buy This Month to Celebrate Pride!

One beautiful way to celebrate Pride is by proudly wearing, waving, or displaying in your yard merch that supports the cause. Yet, just one week before Pride Month was set to begin, Target caved to an orchestrated attack by anti-LGBTQ+ bigots and pulled items from their 2023 Pride merch collection—which featured items produced by small […]

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MoveOn Slams Advertisers Sticking with Fox News After Outrageous Segment Asserting Canadian Wildfire Smoke Causes No Adverse Health Issues and Denying Impact of Climate Change

Washington, D.C. – Today, MoveOn released a new video as part of its Stop Funding Fox campaign to spotlight consumer brands that are still inexplicably advertising on Fox News, despite the network’s track record of promoting lies and propaganda. The group debuted another “Bought and Paid For” video highlighting a segment on Fox News from […]

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MoveOn Activists Celebrate Victory in Debt Ceiling Battle

After months of MAGA Republicans’ holding our economy hostage, the Biden administration and Congress have finally reached a deal to raise the debt ceiling, prevent a national default, and preserve critical federal programs. The budget deal that President Biden secured isn’t perfect, but it protects jobs, veterans’ benefits, historic climate change investments enacted in 2022, […]

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MoveOn Members Call on Advertisers Like General Motors, AT&T and Subway to Stop Funding Fox News

MoveOn activists across the country are demanding that corporations including Subway, AT&T, General Motors, and Comcast stop funding Fox News, in efforts to hold the network accountable for dividing Americans and spreading disinformation, bias, lies, and hate. Cable companies and advertisers provide two major revenue streams for Fox News, thus enabling the lies they spread. […]

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Biden and Dems Protect the Country From MAGA Default Extremism

Washington – In response to the passage of the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023, MoveOn Political Action Executive Director Rahna Epting released the following statement: “President Biden and Democrats did the work both to stop a MAGA-led push for default that would have dragged America into a terrible recession, and to prevent MAGA Republicans from […]

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