Do NOT freeze or cut federal aid!
Will you add your name to the petition to show that we, the people, OPPOSE Trump freezing federal funds that go toward our children, families, schools, and communities?
Sign this PetitionWhat we don’t know is whether it’s true.
If Rep. Weiner actually did send a lewd picture to a young woman over Twitter, well then, that was stupid and he should apologize. If it’s not true, then Andrew Breitbart has once again tricked the D.C. media establishment into paying attention to a ridiculous non-issue instead of the real problems American families are facing.
So while we wait for the truth to come out, we present you with these four amazing videos of Anthony Weiner standing up for things that really matter.
The Republican Party is a wholly owned subsidiary of the insurance industry.
GOP attacks women. Rep. Weiner responds.
Rep. Weiner stands up for 9/11 victims’ health fund.
Rep. Weiner “celebrates” the defunding of Click and Clack, of NPR’s Car Talk.
Originally submitted by volunteer editor Laura S. Feature photo from Flickr user Boss Tweed. Videos mostly found on Anthony Weiner’s YouTube channel.