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WATCH: MoveOn’s Rahna Epting Expands into Digital News Media

Watch Interviews with The Majority Report with Sam Seder HERE, Keith Edwards HERE, and Jack Cocchiarella HERE

Email press@moveon.org for interview inquiries 

WASHINGTONMoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting recently joined political commentator and YouTube hosts Keith Edwards and Jack Cocchiarella, and The Majority Report with Sam Seder

In these conversations, Epting discusses how voters and MoveOn’s millions of members are demonstrating their outrage over President Trump and Republicans’ move to cut essential programs, increase costs and give billionaires tax breaks while giving unelected billionaire Elon Musk carte blanche to run our government institutions. 

  • On The Majority Report, Epting talked with Sam and Emma about why voters are mad as hell and there is an energized base looking for their elected officials to do everything they can to stop Elon’s takeover. 
  • With Keith Edwards, Epting discussed her journey at MoveOn, the organization’s future, and the political urgency in the fight for freedoms and our country. 
  • With Jack Cocchiarella, she focused on the strategies MoveOn is using to mobilize frustrated voters and combat the ongoing threats to the nation, especially amid the divisive first weeks of the Trump administration. 



MoveOn is a people-powered force for progress. MoveOn mobilizes the left to enact progressive change. We are the home base for millions of members who refuse to accept the status quo and are moved to take action. For more than a generation, MoveOn has been a bulwark against the radical right, channeling our voices to end wars, protect democracy, and advance justice for all.

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