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The Times Kamala Harris Fearlessly Took Down Climate Polluters

In 2016, Volkswagen was caught deceiving customers about the true amount of toxic oxides their cars were emitting. But guess who didn’t let them get away with it?

Kamala Harris. 

As attorney general of California, she worked alongside the federal government to prosecute the case. Volkswagen had to pay up a massive $14.7 billion federal settlement, but Harris didn’t stop there. She filed a civil lawsuit against Volkswagen that made them pay an additional $86 million in civil penalties.

As part of the settlements, Volkswagen had to invest millions of dollars in environmental remediation and zero-emissions vehicle development.

The Volkswagen case wasn’t just about the money – it was about justice for the environment. 

Kamala Harris proved that no corporation, no matter how big, is above the law. For her, it’s about ensuring that those who harm our planet and deceive the public are held accountable. 

During her tenure as attorney general, she took on some of the nation’s biggest polluters responsible for environmental accidents, including the Santa Clara wastewater explosion, a massive methane leak in Aliso Canyon, and a 140,000-gallon oil spill in Santa Barbara


“It’s about having the conviction to take these guys into court and to hold them accountable, and not backing down because of the pressure … I have always felt strongly that the role should be to go after these powerful interests that are creating incredible harm in our communities, and without consequence creating that harm. And let’s get them not only in the pocketbook, but, you know, let’s make sure that there are severe and serious penalties for their behaviors.” – Kamala Harris


In 2011, she made the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach lower their diesel emissions and warn residents about harmful cancer-causing emissions. 

In 2010, Harris pushed for accountability in the BP oil spill, joining the lawsuit that resulted in a historic $20.8 billion settlement, which is the largest environmental lawsuit in U.S. history. 

Throughout her career, she’s had a zero-tolerance approach for corporations harming the environment and cheating regulations, especially at the cost of public health. 

If she is elected as president in November, there’s no question that she’ll continue to be a fearless defender of our environment and our communities. 


How you can help MoveOn elect Vice President Kamala Harris as the next president of the United States

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