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Progressive Partner Organizations

MoveOn’s Progressive Partner program allows like-minded progressive groups—like yours—to use MoveOn’s petition website. As a Progressive Partner, you’ll gain access to additional features that help MoveOn’s petition website coordinate smoothly with your in-house tools and needs. It’s a win for us because it helps us bring the best progressive campaigns around the country to MoveOn members. It’s a win for you because it can help you grow your email list and increase the number of actions on and efficacy of your campaigns.

Why sign up for the MoveOn Progressive Partner program?

Grow your organization’s base of email subscribers. MoveOn’s petition website is optimized for maximum sharing and petition growth, and we immediately share the names and complete contact info (including email) of all the people you get to sign your petition in a handy CSV file that you can upload directly to your organization’s mailing list.

In addition, MoveOn frequently emails the most popular petitions to targeted segments of our 8 million member email list, and we will share with you any list growth that MoveOn gets from our mailings. For organizational reasons, MoveOn is unfortunately not able to share the email addresses of existing MoveOn members who sign your petition off our mailings—but you can still email even those signers via the MoveOn petition website by clicking “Manage Petitions” at the top of this page. This gives you a huge grassroots boost to win your campaign. And we also encourage you to ask petition signers to take actions hosted on your organization’s website so that they can choose to share their information directly with you.

Bottom line, MoveOn Progressive Partners are adding hundreds of thousands of highly active email subscribers to their lists for free. You’d be crazy not to.

Free e-delivery to state, federal, and custom targets. MoveOn’s petition website offers reliable and accurate email delivery of constituent petition signatures to state legislators, governors, Congress, and custom targets. We provide automatic district matching so that signatures are delivered to the correct targets. We also allow targets to respond to signers one time in a process we call “talkbacks.” Talkbacks create incredible organizing opportunities and confirm that your petition is being noticed by your targets.

Faster testing and sending. We know an organization’s campaigns are often time-sensitive, which is why a human will review your petition right away and schedule testing according to its urgency. (We’re even sometimes able to accommodate next or same-day testing and sending of urgent campaigns, giving you an instant boost of grassroots energy, along with a list of interested activists who are ready to take immediate follow-up actions. Please email organizations@moveon.org for time-sensitive campaigns.)

Updates and strategic advice. We’re happy to let you know the results of our tests on request. We can’t guarantee that every petition will do well enough to send out to MoveOn members. But, if your petition isn’t testing well enough to send, we’ll provide you with the best advice we can on how to help it resonate with MoveOn members. We’re also happy to schedule time to talk with you about your campaign more generally.

All this, plus the existing benefits of MoveOn’s awesome petition website. These additional benefits do not replace any of the basic functions of the website. Even for individuals, it’s an incredibly powerful organizing tool. You can load a petition on Monday, we’ll test it on Wednesday, and by Friday—if MoveOn members support it—you could have tens of thousands of people—or more—signing on and ready to take further action.

Which names and email addresses will be shared with me?

1. Anyone you get to sign your own petition. You can download 100% of the email addresses of people who sign your petition after clicking on your custom petition URL. Whether you email your petition to your list or post your petition on Facebook or Twitter, you’ll get all those signers as well any second or third-generation signers who track back to the customized URL we give you immediately after you create the petition. If you missed it, there are two ways to recover your custom petition URL:

  • You received an email immediately after you created your petition urging you to share it with your friends. In that email, the URL to your petition included this bit of text: “?source=c.” This is your custom share link—be sure to use the full link.
  • After you finished creating you petition, you landed on a page that looks like the image below. The link at the top (next to “Here’s the link for your new petition”) is your URL for sharing. Again, look for the text “?source=c.” towards the end of the URL.

2. New MoveOn members who join MoveOn through your petition. If we email your petition to a MoveOn member, and the member signs it and shares it with his or her friends (who then sign the petition), it creates list growth for MoveOn AND for you. The email addresses of people who are new to MoveOn will be shared with you, as long as they leave the pre-checked opt-in checkbox checked.

How do you choose which petitions to email to your list?

After you create a petition, we’ll email it to a small group of MoveOn members to ask what they think of it. If MoveOn members think it’s a petition that we should support, we’ll email it out right away. If your petition is about a local issue, we’ll email it to the relevant geographic area. If your petition is regarding a national campaign, we’ll typically email it to folks who are particularly interested in the issue. Only when MoveOn members are especially supportive of a national campaign will we email it to our entire 8 million member list.

How do I sign up?

  1. Go to http://civic.moveon.org/signon/orgsignup.html and fill out the application there.
  2. Send an email to organizations@moveon.org to let us know you’ve filled out the application. You need to be approved as a Progressive Partner organization by our staff before you’re eligible, so you’ll probably want to wait until you hear back that you’re approved before you do a lot of sharing of your petitions. Note that we only approve progressive organizations that:
    • Are incorporated as a 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), or as a labor union or federation
    • Use a CRM (e.g. ActionKit, Salsa Labs, Convio, etc.).
    • Include an unsubscribe link in every email sent, and do not sell email addresses.
  3. Include a logo for your organization (max height and width 144 x 48 pixels).

How do I download my email addresses?

  1. Go to the MoveOn petition website and click “Manage Petitions” on the top navigation bar. (You may be prompted to log in at this point.)
  2. This will take you to your petition creator dashboard, and you’ll see a list of your petitions. For the petition you want to download names from, click the “Download” button.
  3. You’ll be taken to the “Download Your Petition Signers” page. There, click on “Download,” again.
  4. You’ll be taken back to the dashboard, and you’ll see a list of your downloaded files. Probably it will start off saying “pending.” Once it’s ready, you’ll get an email. (Or, you can keep refreshing the page until “pending” changes to “completed.”)
  5. Once it’s complete, click on “Download” under “Actions.” A zip file will start downloading, and it will contain your shared names and emails in CSV format.
  6. Important: As your petition gets more signers, and thus more shareable names and emails, you’ll want to get the new ones. You’ll need to start again with the blue “Download” button on the dashboard. (If you just click on the “Download” link under “Your Downloads,” you’ll get the same exact file you downloaded the previous time.)

Just a heads up!

You are being redirected to MoveOnEducationFund.Org

By clicking below, you will be directed to a website operated by MoveOn Education Fund, an independent 501(c)(3) entity.

Just a heads up!

You are being redirected to MoveOnEducationFund.Org

By clicking below, you will be directed to a website operated by MoveOn Education Fund, an independent 501(c)(3) entity.