Do NOT freeze or cut federal aid!
Will you add your name to the petition to show that we, the people, OPPOSE Trump freezing federal funds that go toward our children, families, schools, and communities?
Sign this Petition** Since this morning, MoveOn members have made more than 10,000 calls to Senate offices, urging every senator to oppose the dangerous GOP-led effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act . **
As part of’s #ResistanceSummer organizing program, MoveOn members across the nation went door-to-door to speak with their neighbors about pressing issues facing our country, including health care.
In total, MoveOn members have already held more than 100 canvassing events nationwide as part of Resistance Summer’s Neighborhood Listening Project, with more than 200 more scheduled in coming days. On Sunday evening, nearly 12,000 participants joined MoveOn and allies for a regular nationwide Ready To Resist strategy call, planning for the fight to save health care this week.
Here are some MoveOn members talking to neighbors face-to-face on a scorching Las Vegas, NV weekend:
Meanwhile, it was nearly 100 degrees in Cheverly, MD—but that didn’t stop MoveOn member Beth and her friends from knocking on doors and having face-to-face conversations with their neighbors. “It may have been almost 100 [degrees],” said Beth M., “but we had a great group out knocking on doors for an hour!”
And below are MoveOn members taking an afternoon out with friends and family to canvass in Minot, ND.
“We had 2 teams, and knocked on 43 doors in downtown Minot, North Dakota, by the university campus,” said MoveOn member Matthew C. of Minot. “I feel like we almost overperformed because we were competing against a farmer’s market and the state fair in town. … It was a really good listening event all in all, and my volunteers actually want to schedule another one in about a week to canvass more. We were all a bit nervous about it at first, but after the first few people we spoke with, it became much easier!”
“Totally gratifying experience! I failed to photograph my wonderful group today – some ‘returnees’ from our picnic and some ‘new ones’—but we had lots of significant conversations with total strangers,” said MoveOn member Kimberly R. from Harrisburg, PA. “It’s true: Change begins with listening.”
** Check out more photos from Resistance Summer here:
Resistance Summer is a 12-week volunteer program for emerging community leaders and activists who want to gain organizing skills and be part of an ongoing national network of organizers standing up to Trump’s agenda.