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MoveOn.org’s Statement on Senate Fast Track Cloture Vote

Jo Comerford, campaign director for MoveOn.org Civic Action, responded to the Senate’s invoking cloture on Fast Track authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership:

“Today, the Senate paved the way for the dangerous Fast Track bill that puts the interests of massive, multinational corporations over those of American workers, consumers, and voters. While MoveOn members nationwide are disappointed in today’s vote, we are also clear that our work is not finished.

“By granting the president Fast Track authority, Congress will lose its ability to help shape the Trans-Pacific Partnership as it’s negotiated and ensure constituents’ best interests are represented. It’s important to remember that Congress will still have the power to reject the pending trade deal, which will likely undermine workers, consumers, and the environment, and which gives big corporations even more power.

“When the TPP becomes public, MoveOn members and our allies nationwide will hold our elected officials accountable and urge them to vote down any deal that’s bad for the American economy.”

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