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Matt Taibbi: Why Isn’t Wall Street in Jail?

A former Senate investigator tells writer Matt Taibbi that his story about Wall Street is a waste of time. Why? “Everything’s f***ed up, and nobody goes to jail,” says the investigator.

Wall Street protesters in 2010, found via Flickr

Think about it. Nearly every major bank and finance company on Wall Street has stolen from millions, and destroyed trillions of dollars of the world’s money. And only Bernie Madoff gets caught. The fake financial boom of crooked mortgage-backed securities hasn’t led to any executives behind bars. Taibbi writes:

To add insult to injury, the people who actually committed the crimes almost never pay the fines themselves; banks caught defrauding their shareholders often use shareholder money to foot the tab of justice.

Found by Laura at RollingStone.com. Photo by eyewash.

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