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Five ways you can say #AmericaWelcomes

On May 16, we brought the most iconic symbol of America’s promise to welcome immigrants and refugees to Washington, D.C., as an interactive art project to celebrate what American can—and will—be.


Here’s how you can take part in this uplifting action and declare your support for immigrants and asylum-seekers.

Order your free sticker

Show your support for immigrants and refugees and an immigration policy based on dignity and respect. 

Order your free sticker and declare #AmericaWelcomes.

Check out photos of the Statue at Columbus Circle

Getty Images for MoveOn.org taken at the America Welcomes event on May 16, 2019.

For three days, our statue, built and designed by renowned local artist Cesar Maxit, stood in front of Union Station, in view of the Capitol, where people could show the world that America Welcomes immigrants and refugees. The statue was visited by people from all walks of life, such as members of the House and Senate include Representatives Pramila Jayapal and Ilhan Omar and Senator Jeff Merkley, along with thousands of other visitors, families, activists, and more.

Upload your own photo and say #AmericaWelcomes

Step 1: Print out the image of the Statue of Liberty’s torch.

Step 2: Cut out the image. 

Step 3: Add your reason why you’re taking action to say #AmericaWelcomes. 

Step 4: Take a selfie with your torch and upload to your social media accounts. 

Step 5: Be sure to tag @MoveOn and use the #AmericaWelcomes to show your support!

Tell Congress: Defund Trump's deportation force

Sign the petition to Congress that says, “Stop adding millions of dollars to Trump’s mass deportation machine which attacks immigrant families. Demand cuts in the budgets for detention beds, ICE and CBP agents, and border militarization.”

Text “welcome” to 668366 to get started! Once you text, you’ll get all the information you need to make a call to your member of Congress. 

Standard messaging and fees may apply.

Watch and share

Bonus: Learn more about Trump's Deportation Force

Check out this in-depth report from United We Dream to learn more about the human impact, uncontrolled growth, and power of the nation’s deportation apparatus under Donald Trump. The report includes concrete policy recommendations for Congress, federal agencies, local governments, advocates, and the next president of the United States on the way forward.

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