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2024 Gift Disclosure

MoveOn believes that disclosure of funding sources is a key to democracy, and therefore in accordance with our Gift Acceptance Policy we voluntarily disclose every contributor to MoveOn.org Civic Action and MoveOn.org Political Action who gives gifts totaling $5,000 or more in any year as well as the amount of each such contributors’ gifts.

MoveOn.org Civic Action receives hundreds of thousands of donations each year, and the average donation is $17 per donation. We are grateful for the support of all MoveOn members.

We also want to thank the following individuals, organizations, and foundations for their generous support of $5,000 or more in 2024:

MoveOn.org Civic Action

MoveOn.org Civic Action receives hundreds of thousands of donations each year, and the average donation is $17 per donation. We are grateful for the support of all MoveOn members.

We also want to thank the following individuals, organizations, and foundations for their generous support of $5,000 or more in 2024:

Clear Choice Action Inc$500,000
Community Change Action$120,000
Damon, Matt$5,000
Davis, Alan$30,000
Demarest, Frank$6,100
Denniston, Elliott$37,500
Fickenscher, Timothy$5,000
Future Forward USA Action$250,000
Garret, Ron$5,000
Holleman, Vicki$5,000
Kannegaard, Jon$13,500
Kelsey, Keenan$12,250
Kinikin, Erin$5,000
Livingston, Philip$16,000
Marin, Melanie$5,000
MoveOn Education Fund$90,500
Northrup, James$11,000
Open Society Action Fund$1,000,000
Our Children Our Future$100,000
Ploughshares Fund$95,000
Public Citizen Foundation$20,000
Public Citizen Inc.$41,000
Rivest, Ronald$14,500
Sixteen Thirty Fund$250,000
Tides Foundation$310,000
Van Buren, William$7,680
Walker, Robert$5,000
Weiss, Bahr$9,500


MoveOn.org Political Action

MoveOn.org Political Action also receives hundreds of thousands of donations each year, with an average donation of $17 per donation.

We are grateful for the support of all MoveOn members and want to thank the following individuals, organizations, and foundations for their generous support of $5,000 or more in 2024:

Agranat, Ian$5,000
American Federation of Teachers$200,000
Appleton, Harold$5,000
Atton-Thomas, Gina$5,000
Bailit, Julie$5,000
Barry, Kathleen$8,000
Benham, Derek$5,000
Bennett, Michael$7,000
Bingham, Timothy$5,000
Bingley, Will$7,000
Briggs, Eleanor$11,678
Center for American Progress Action Fund$10,000
Cho, Nancy$5,000
Cline, Ken$5,000
Connell, Liam$10,000
Davenport, John$5,000
Denniston, Elliott$27,400
Dewitt, Kathleen$5,000
Dines, Marian$10,000
Dohmen, Ellen$5,000
English, Stephen$5,000
Fass, Anne$5,000
Fiddler, Jerry$5,000
Fife, John$12,000
Fink, David$5,000
Future Forward USA Action$250,000
Geyser, Conrad$13,000
Gillard, Veronique$5,000
Gilmore, Elizabeth$50,000
Grundman, Douglas$5,000
Grundman, Helen$5,000
Hanpeter, David$5,000
Haywood, Julian$5,000
Henning, Ted$5,000
Holzman, Winnie$15,000
Hopkins, Edward$13,500
Hostetler, David$10,000
Indivisible Action$12,817.06
Investing In Us$150,000
Isobel, Christina$31,384
Jacobs, Kenneth$5,000
Kane, John$12,500
Kaplan, Ellen$14,670
Kelly, Charles$5,000
Kent, Gail$5,000
Kieschnick, Michael$5,000
Klass, Dennis$5,000
Lawrence, Starling$5,000
League of Conservation Voters$5,000
Lindholm, Matthew$5,000
Marin, Melanie$5,000
McAllister, Cary$10,000
McKinley, Richard$5,000
McNeeney, Alan$5,000
Meislin, Barbara$5,000
Melville, Cameron$5,214
Merion, Judith$15,642
Messer, Erica$5,000
Michael, Clara$5,000
Michael, John$5,000
Milburn, Rob$5,000
Movement Voter PAC$10,000
Munson, Myra$12,000
Mutz, Heather$5,000
Nicholas, Charles$5,000
Nix, Neal$5,000
Offen, David$10,000
Olson, Herman$5,000
Propel Capital Network$150,000
Rivest, Ronald$5,000
Robbins, Deborah$5,000
Rothenberg, Ann$5,000
Sammann, Ernest$7,000
Selkoe, Dennis$5,000
Shapiro, Thomas$5,000
Shenker, Scott$32,700
Simon, Deborah$5,000
Spieler, Norman$6,000
Stoller, Corey$5,000
Stolper, Jane$10,000
Straus, Sandor$25,000
The Democracy Alliance$7,000
Thorner, Jeremy$5,600
Van Buren, William$5,000
Walk, Cynthia$7,500
Way To Lead PAC$60,000
Weinholtz, Donna$5,000
Wiersba, Alan$9,400
Wolf, Jasmine$10,000
Working Families Party PAC$22,817.06
Zucker, Lynne$5,043.01

Just a heads up!

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Just a heads up!

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By clicking below, you will be directed to a website operated by MoveOn Education Fund, an independent 501(c)(3) entity.