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May 15: Save the Internet

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Today, the Federal Communications Commission is set to vote on introducing a proposal that could put the Internet as we know it at risk. The FCC proposal could allow big corporations like Verizon and Comcast to charge big websites for an Internet fast lane, putting the rest of us in the slow lane and tearing the Internet apart in a way that might make it difficult to put it back together again.

In response, thousands of people will be taking action across the country today to tell the FCC not to take away the free and open Internet. If you can’t physically be at these events, there are a number of other actions you can take to support these brave activists and ensure the FCC won’t be able to ignore them.

MoveOn members across the country will be sharing the “Save the Internet” image in this post on Facebook today, turning the Web into a giant sea of orange. If Facebook isn’t your thing, you can also take these actions:

If you’re looking for more ideas, savetheinternet.com has compiled a pretty cool list of different actions. Also, feel free to use the buttons below to share this post with others to inspire them to take action, too!