A Poignant Animation Celebrating 50 Years Of Amnesty International

Just gorgeous.
Just gorgeous.
The World Health Organization now classifies cell phones as carcinogens, like car exhaust and DDT.
If Batgirl does the same bat job as Robin, why doesn’t she make the same bat salary?
Hey Paul, did I mention that I worship you? Oooooh, yeah. Yours, Dick.
By the Tennessee GOP’s logic, if you don’t say the word “gay,” gayness will just go away. Huh?
What does advertising really do to our perception of women?
Dear Apple, you’ve given me so much but something just isn’t “syncing” right. Watch this when you get a chance, k? Sincerely, me.
You don’t want to get Sue Sylvester mad, right?
This Sam Cooke sound-alike helps us understand just what kind of world it would be if any of the current crop of GOP candidates won in 2012.