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VICTORY: Senate Saves Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

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The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau—the agency championed by Senator Elizabeth Warren to be a voice for consumers in Washington—was endangered when Republicans in Congress refused to reconfirm Richard Cordray, the bureau’s widely respected first director. That’s why James Lardner of Americans for Financial Reform created a MoveOn Petition to the U.S. Senate, asking them to allow an up-or-down vote on Cordray’s nomination.

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VICTORY: No Book Deal for Zimmerman Juror


In the wake of the “not guilty” verdict for George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, one juror announced that she’d signed with Martin Literary Management to write a book detailing the trial. Progressives all over the country were outraged that jury members might profit from Zimmerman’s acquittal. That’s why MoveOn member Barbara Graham created a Petition to Martin Literary Management, asking them to take back the book deal.

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