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VICTORY: Larry Summers Won’t Head The Fed


When news hit that Larry Summers, famed for helping to craft the policies that caused the recession, was the front-runner for chair of the Federal Reserve, Robert Naiman of the organization Just Foreign Policy, The Other 98%, and MoveOn member Aaron Camp created MoveOn Petitions telling President Obama to leave Summers out of the running.

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VICTORY: New York City Passes Paid Sick Days Legislation

Millions of workers in New York City did not have paid sick days. If they or their children got sick, they had to work, forcing them to choose between their job and their family’s health. That’s why Cari Jackson from A Better Balance, noted feminist author Gloria Steinem, Ai-jen Poo from the National Domestic Workers Alliance, and Working Families started MoveOn Petitions asking the New York City Council to pass paid sick day legislation.

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MoveOn Members Gather to Say #DontBombSyria

MoveOn members from across the country are uniting to oppose military strikes on Syria. On Monday, September 9, MoveOn members participated in over 165 vigils in 41 states to urge their elected officials to avoid another unnecessary and costly war and vote against the use of military force.

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