Scott Brown Pleads For David Koch’s Money
Republican Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) joins the assortment of conservatives begging for Koch Bros money.
Republican Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) joins the assortment of conservatives begging for Koch Bros money.
At Sarah Palin Addicts Anonymous, the first step is admitting we have a problem.
Intrepid reporter Jon Oliver travels to the far-flung land of northern Illinois—approximately 13 miles from the Wisconsin border and right off I-90—to track down the Wisconsin Democratic 14.
Rachel Maddow connects forced prostitution, gambling lobbyists, and Americans for Prosperity to the random “I Stand with Scott Walker” people that are getting outnumbered 100-to-1 in Madison, WI.
Today is International Women’s Day: a day to celebrate women, and also a time to reflect on the work we all still need to do. But first, the celebration:
Dame Judi Dench to Daniel Craig: “For someone with such a fondness for women, I wonder if you’ve ever considered what it might be like to be one?”
Remember, Kids: Every Time Two Gays Get Married, A Traditional Family Explodes
According to the Onion News Network, Congress has decided to drop its bid to make English the national language of the United States, deciding instead to pursue a more incremental approach. Here’s the clip. (And please be warned: The promo after the main news story is not for the faint of heart.)
Wondering what the Republican budget would do? Here’s the list:
1. Destroy 700,000 jobs, according to an independent economic analysis.
2. Zero out federal funding for National Public Radio and public television.
3. Cut $1.3 billion from community health centers–which will deprive more than three million people low-income people of health care over the next few months.
Read the rest after the jump.
Michael Moore spoke to a 50,000-person crowd in Madison, WI, on Saturday, calling Scott Walker “your soon-to-be-ex-governor” and thanking Wisconsinites for sparking a long-overdue uprising. Watch the video here: