How An Artist Changed The Lives Of People Living In The World’s Largest Landfill

It may be a haven for garbage, but there’s something bigger going on here.
It may be a haven for garbage, but there’s something bigger going on here.
Would the world be a better place if everyone shared this today?
Here’s an easy way to explain how Reagonomics just doesn’t pay.
She was found nearly dead, tangled in a plastic fisherman’s net off the coast of Mexico. Watch how determination saved her.
Bet you didn’t know he owns all of this.
Dennis Kucinich explains what happened to America’s money.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that . . .
First released 23 years ago, it’s even more relevant today. Here’s a live version that is food for your soul. Watch:
Who’s afraid of Media Matters? Fox News is, big time.