This Tuna Wants To Tell You Something

It’s all sounding pretty darn fishy to us.
It’s all sounding pretty darn fishy to us.
And may we add just one more—ditto.
Someone should tell them they suck at keeping secrets.
Spot on!
General Electric received so many tax breaks last year, it paid no taxes at all. With those savings, it’s planning to create new jobs in . . . you guessed it!
Douglas Holtz-Eakin proved that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 actually grew the economy and created millions of jobs. Just take a look at that red $544 billion number.
Speaking of inequality . . .
When it comes to the question of who loves the country more, they come this close to throwing their chairs.
Can you pick which one? Hint: It’s based on love.
It’s the GOP’s Holy Grail—the ability to willfully ignore the most damning fact and just keep pressing on with the conservative agenda.