The Truth About Rick Perry’s ‘Texas Job Miracle’ In One Chart

Rick Perry believes that the federal government is really “intruding on our lives”—except when it helps him look good. Take a look at where all these Texas jobs really came from:
Rick Perry believes that the federal government is really “intruding on our lives”—except when it helps him look good. Take a look at where all these Texas jobs really came from:
Bam! Watch Olbermann rip Cantor apart!
Spot-on and hilarious.
What happens when one sassy woman delivers a serious dose of reality to Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI)?
Everything. Watch:
Her words take on a special meaning now that we know just how problematic some extremists would become.
No taxes, but top salaries. What’s wrong with this picture?
Is Rick Perry the most right-wing Republican front-runner in modern American history? Just watch this:
This is what happens when a radical right agenda tries to bully its way into the public school system.
Don’t you hate it when a crazed fan gets a hold of your IM handle?