Van Clarifies Something About #OWS: ‘We Are Not Here To Get Anything—We’re Here To Give Everything’

Rousing, inspiring, and right on point.
Rousing, inspiring, and right on point.
Economist and Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz spoke to #OccupyWallStreet in Zuccotti Park last week. These are some of his words.
Did we mention this isn’t actually Elizabeth Warren?
Share this if you remember when the GOP ran their campaigns on how much they’d do to restore jobs!
Or perhaps a playbook for the top 1%.
Between this and #OccupyWallStreet, we’re getting the sense that folks aren’t putting up with this far-right stuff much longer.
On Sunday’s “This Week” on ABC, our hero stays on point despite their constant attempts to reframe what he has to say.
They’re officially supporting Occupy Wall Street. We think they should create a special flavor. What would YOU name it?
Maybe we could prevent folks from falling for them ever again.
Peter King (R – NY) knows what people are capable of when we unite and confront power.