All Day, All Week, #OccupyWallStreet!

Not only did they not get kicked out of Zuccotti Park, the #OWS protesters have been joined by more folks and have union support, too. This could just be the beginning!
Not only did they not get kicked out of Zuccotti Park, the #OWS protesters have been joined by more folks and have union support, too. This could just be the beginning!
There are over 1500 cities with #Occupy events going on right now. Find one here: Found on Detroit IWW GMB’s Facebook wall. Originally submitted by Brandon W.
Just this morning, the cops began blocking the entrance Wall Street and allowing only those with corporate IDs to enter. Whose street?
Co-founder of Def Jam records, business wiz, and multimillionaire . . . he supports #OccupyWallStreet, too!
Here’s the amazing, energized scene when the announcement came down.
Where are the real criminals?
Claiming a need to clean the park, the Mayor sounds eerily like Governor Scott Walker before the occupation of Wisconsin’s Capitol building was forced out. See the new “rules” below and then sign the petition to defend #OWS’ right to protest!
Now we see why gay marriage is illegal. Wait–no, actually, we still don’t.
Simply riveting.
7 definitions that hit us pretty hard.