Is This How We Honor Our Heroes?

He saved lives, but we couldn’t save his job?
He saved lives, but we couldn’t save his job?
Things used at Occupy gatherings everywhere.
The Hawaiian musician Makana performed this song live, in an “Occupy With Aloha” t-shirt, while world leaders dined on expensive food and drank wine at the APEC dinner in early November. Oh, the irony. When asked why he did it, he replied, “Why wouldn’t I? I wrote it with the intention of people in power hearing it.”
84 year old Dorli Rainey, a former school teacher who has been active in Seattle local politics, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Women’s Movement since the 1950s, was pepper-sprayed by cops at #OccupySeattle on Tuesday. She once wrote, “I believe change begins in the streets, and all citizens have the power to make a difference.”
Spread the word: . Be there.
Either way, they desperately need to hear this message today.
A wise man once said . . .
Key phrase: if they want to.
Now all we have to do is turn it into a reality! Let’s get to work!
Share this today if you think ALL kids deserve basic protections.