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Take action to #ProtectOurCare!

Thanks for your interest in taking action to defeat Trumpcare! Here are several ways to raise your voice. 1- Text CARE to 668366 for real-time updates about actions that we can take to protect health care coverage! 2- Call your senators to demand they oppose Trumpcare Dial (844)214-8780, then provide your zip code to be connected with your senators. Ask […]

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THIS WEEKEND: Bernie Sanders, MoveOn.org Host Bus Tour with Health Care Rallies in PA, OH, and WV Urging GOP Senators to Save the Affordable Care Act

Rallies in Pittsburgh, Columbus, and Charleston Target Senators Pat Toomey, Rob Portman, and Shelley Moore Capito, Urging Them to Vote No on Senate Health Care Bill Following the release of the Senate health care repeal bill this morning, MoveOn.org and Sen. Bernie Sanders have teamed up to announce a slate of major rallies in Pennsylvania, […]

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If House Bill Was ‘Mean,’ Senate Bill Is Cruel  

This bill will take a wrecking ball to health care in this country, leaving millions without care, making health care unaffordable for many, eliminating funding for Planned Parenthood, and giving massive tax cuts to the wealthy. Shockingly, this bill’s cuts to Medicaid are even deeper than those passed by the House—at a moment when Medicaid and Medicare should be dramatically expanded.

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MoveOn on Jon Ossoff’s Narrow Defeat in Georgia’s 6th District

Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org, issued the following statement in response to Karen Handel’s apparent victory in today’s GA-06 special election:  “Jon Ossoff’s close finish and the closer-than-expected elections in Kansas, Montana, and South Carolina are proof that if Republicans continue to follow Trump, they will be following him off a cliff — one […]

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MoveOn: The Constitution Could Not Be More Clear And Trump Could Not Be More Clearly Violating It

Applauds Largest Ever Congressional Lawsuit Against A Sitting President Statement of Anna Galland, Executive Director of MoveOn.org: “The Constitution could not be more clear in the emoluments clause and Donald Trump could not be more clearly in violation of it. The founders of this nation explicitly intended that no President could receive foreign payments while […]

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MoveOn Statement: Sessions Must Go

Statement of Anna Galland, Executive Director of MoveOn.org: “Jeff Sessions must go. The disgraced Attorney General has already lied to Congress under oath during his confirmation hearings. There’s no reason to think he won’t do so again today. “In addition, Sessions has disregarded his recusal from the Russia investigation. “Sessions has proven time and again […]

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MoveOn calls for Congress to begin impeachment proceedings

It is now clear that Trump’s effort to use the powers of the presidency to interfere with an ongoing investigation of whether, how, and why a foreign power tried unlawfully to undermine our electoral process is exactly the kind of fundamental abuse of power that the founders believed is an impeachable offense—a ‘High Crime or Misdemeanor’ under our Constitution.

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