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MoveOn Statement: Sessions Must Go

Statement of Anna Galland, Executive Director of MoveOn.org: “Jeff Sessions must go. The disgraced Attorney General has already lied to Congress under oath during his confirmation hearings. There’s no reason to think he won’t do so again today. “In addition, Sessions has disregarded his recusal from the Russia investigation. “Sessions has proven time and again […]

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MoveOn calls for Congress to begin impeachment proceedings

It is now clear that Trump’s effort to use the powers of the presidency to interfere with an ongoing investigation of whether, how, and why a foreign power tried unlawfully to undermine our electoral process is exactly the kind of fundamental abuse of power that the founders believed is an impeachable offense—a ‘High Crime or Misdemeanor’ under our Constitution.

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WED 11AM: Ahead of Comey Testimony, Groups Rally on Capitol Hill to Deliver Signatures of 4M Americans Demanding Independent Commission Investigate Trump’s Campaign Ties to Russia

MEDIA ADVISORY FOR: Wednesday, June 7, 2017 — 11:00AM ET Press Conference Calls on Members of Congress to Sign Discharge Petition to Create Independent Commission to Investigate Trump Reps Nadler, Doggett, Deutch, Eshoo and Sarbanes Join Members of Common Cause, CREDO, MoveOn, Public Citizen, and More in Push for Independent Commission Investigation of Trump Campaign’s […]

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MoveOn, United to Protect Democracy Letter to DOJ: Investigate Jared Kushner

MoveOn.org Civic Action and United to Protect Democracy today sent a letter to the Department of Justice, with support of MoveOn members nationwide, urging the department to “initiate an immediate investigation into whether Senior White House Advisor Jared Kushner committed a federal felony, violation of 18 U.S.C. §1001, by deliberately and repeatedly failing to disclose […]

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What now on health care?

Dear MoveOn member, The news just broke: The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office’s official analysis of the health care bill passed by the House would mean that 23 million people would lose health insurance and over 53 million would lose protections for pre-existing conditions—all to pay for hundreds of billions in tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporations.1 […]

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