The Most Ridiculous Mockery Of Justice We’ve Seen All Week

Possibly ever. Look:
Possibly ever. Look:
No animals were harmed while making this spoof of his recent ad.
Today, an all male ‘witness’ panel was allowed to speak at the GOP’s hearing examining the Obama administration’s new regulation requiring employers and insurers to provide contraception coverage to employees. When Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke was presented to testify on behalf of the Minority, she was shown the door.
The governor of Washington State signs the Marriage Equality Bill into law.
Perhaps those who disagree with it don’t know what it’s like to be part of the 99%.
Would he be tossed out of the party?
You’d probably have the blues, too, after 12 hours in a crate on the car. Share this song of woe!
When even the “liberal” media isn’t being liberal, you know there’s a problem.
And it goes to show just how far America has come—so why would we ever go back?
With love.