Why You’ll Want To High Five Paul Ryan Next Time You See Him
Seriously, what are they thinking?
Seriously, what are they thinking?
We refuse to buy what they’re selling.
One skeptic, a registered Independent, changed her mind after something big happened in her life.
House rules be damned . . . let the Congressman speak!
As part of their infamous “war on women,” Republicans have passed laws in state after state forcing women to submit to an invasive ultrasound procedure before getting an abortion. When a similar bill came up in the very conservative state of Idaho, it seemed sure to pass. Susan Philley was one of hundreds of Idahoans who refused to back down. She started a MoveOn Petition that was signed by over 5,000 people—a stunning number in this small state.
Exactly how much and to whom? Check it out.
You know that public opinion has gone way off the deep end when:
An eye-opening graphic about the cost of being female.
Van Jones, Eliot Spitzer, Matt Taibbi, Ron Suskind, Heather McGhee and Jesse LaGreca discuss the role of financial and corporate powers in the political and democratic life of this country. Moderated by Dylan Ratigan and presented by Culture Project and Lannan Center. Watch the livestream on March 27th at 7:00 PM!