Cory Booker Finds Out What It’s Like To Live On Food Stamps

$29.78 a week. Hear what he’s learning so far. WATCH:
$29.78 a week. Hear what he’s learning so far. WATCH:
Because she doesn’t care what anybody says, there IS a war on Christmas. Just like Mitt Romney was certain to get elected, right? WATCH:
When San Diego County District Attorney Bonny Dumais put up Spanish-language billboards in North Park containing an intimidating message about workers’ compensation fraud, many in the neighborhood felt it denigrated Latinos. North Park resident Steven Shultz filed a complaint with the DA’s office only to be dismissed. That’s when Steven decided to start a MoveOn Petition in response to the fear-mongering billboards targeting Latinos.
Because we backed you, Dems. Now back us.
Contact your representative now!
As the GOP tries for force the Keystone bill through, consider this:
Would they still let this happen or would they stand up to stop it?
Bo checks out all the decorations for himself. Watch for the magic at 1:08.
And this Rep. from Ohio even takes on all the “haters” out there.
No one should be subjected to the likes of Sean Hannity.