FAITH IN HUMANITY RESTORED: On A High School Basketball Court In Texas

There are some really great people in this world.
There are some really great people in this world.
When Eric Szeman, the owner of the Route 66 Malt Shop in Albuquerque, refused to pay his employees the minimum wage they earned, they complained to the city. When they didn’t get any response, Pat Davis from ProgressNow New Mexico created a MoveOn Petition calling on Szeman to follow the law and Mayor Richard Berry to enforce it.
Are you the kind of person who will? WATCH:
It is always painful when a CEO loses their yacht.
Is this what nature intended?
Ouch. It hurts when you see it spelled out.
When partisan infighting was keeping the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) from being reauthorized, rape survivor Sheila Thomas created a MoveOn Petition calling on Republicans in the House to pass VAWA without further delay.
Without further ado, here’s your First Lady. WATCH:
Or simply describing clear boundaries against discrimination in public life? WATCH:
It may not mean what some people want it to mean.