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Category: Victories

VICTORY: San Francisco Bay Waters Protected


Developers in the San Francisco bay area wanted to build a 12 story basketball arena and entertainment complex over open bay waters, circumventing the environmental regulatory process. So Jamie Whitaker and the San Francisco Waterfront Alliance created a MoveOn Petition to enforce stronger environmental regulations on future developments.

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VICTORY: Boston Parks Department Allocates Funds for Playground Improvement

MoveOn member Cathy Ware was worried about the state of her local community playground at the Beethoven School. Outdated play structures and poor groundskeeping made the playground dangerous for the young children who visited. That’s why she started a MoveOn Petition asking the Boston Parks Department to make the park safer.

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VICTORY: Guitar Center Workers Win Right to Unionize

When Bain Capital took over the Guitar Center stores in 2005, they cut insurance benefits, increased mandatory sales targets, slashed wages, and made it harder for employees to earn commissions. That’s why Guitar Center workers created a MoveOn Petition asking company executives to recognize their right to unionize and negotiate for a fair contract.

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VICTORY: Private High School Changes Anti-Transgender Dress Code

Damian Garcia, a senior at St. Pius High School, asked to walk in a boys’ black cap and gown for graduation. Damian had legally changed his name and his family, friends, classmates, and teachers all knew him as male, but his school refused to recognize his gender identity—just because his birth certificate reads “female.” That’s why Torrey Moorman and her two sons started a MoveOn Petition to the school’s principal asking that Damian be allowed to walk in a boys’ cap and gown.

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